This Is How People Will Make Money With AI SEO Websites in 2025
6SP2GqZNZlE — Published on YouTube channel Income stream surfers on October 20, 2024, 5:05 PM
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- Speaker A is going to show a video about the new AI website generation tools. It is for people who don't know how to code but want to make a website with no experience. - This is an experimental project and it is hard to show what is going to be done in a dev environment. However, it is cool to see how many pages it can make in just a few minutes. - Speaker A shows how to build a website in a short time using Ada and bolt. The reason why the website is 404 ing is because the API has a limit.
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When opportunity comes knocking - you better be ready. Stop wasting your time with WordPress blog websites and start thinking a little more outside the box.
Making websites with APIs is INSANE and I'm so excited to see what people will build with this amazing SEO method
This is the most exciting AI SEO Opportunity I have ever seen - and I highly recommend checking this video out and seeing what ideas you can come up with
We can now build ENTIRE WEBSITES using API's and AI in under 20 minutes which could bring in huge amounts of traffic
Right now I'm working on a directory website which should have 5000+ pages and should start to rank well on Google fairly quickly
I hope you enjoyed this video and PEACE
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I'm going to show you perhaps the most exciting part of these new AI website generation tools. Now this is not the classic AI website generation that you know and love like websim, where it just makes some random website that would never rank on Google. This is something completely different. And I honestly believe this is the most exciting money making opportunity in AI that I've actually seen so far. Now what we're going to be doing in this video is we're going to be generating a website using an external API connected to something like bolt new. But I think I might use v zero for this particular example. Now this is not for coders. I'm not trying to compete with coders. This is for people who don't know how to code but want to make a website with no experience. So we're going to start on perplexity. That might seem a bit weird to you, but perplexity actually will give us the tools that we need to create this tool. So in my head I'm thinking let's just do something simple like recipes. So I'm just going to create a recipe website, but you can do whatever the hell you want as long as there's an external API that exists. Now, a few other ideas that I've had. Just so you know, there's an API for campers, so camper API, I can't remember what it was called now. Like camping API maybe? Yeah, campflare. So this is really, really interesting as well. You could like make a website for campers like where to camp in x location, whatever it might be. But let's, I'm just giving you two ideas. There, there are millions of different ideas you could run with. So first of all, I'm going to say to perplexity, I want you to find me a simple recipe API that can be used to generate recipe website. The idea is no, you need to find me specific code snippets that can be easily integrated into a template to generate pages based on the API results. Please pick something simple that doesn't, that has a few different end points we can use. Okay, so we'll hit enter here. So the first thing we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to sign up to the meal DB. So we'll go on. Yeah, we're gone here. So we want the meal. It's free as well. What? Okay, well we like free stings, so that's always good. Okay, so we're not gonna release publicly. Okay, so we're just doing this as an example. So I don't. I can actually use this for free as a developer just to show you as an example. Okay, so API methods using the developer test key one in the URL. Okay, beautiful. So all of these should, as far as I know they should work. So let's go back to complexity here and we'll hit copy and then we will go to, we'll use both bolt new and also v zero. I'm going to say make me a website that is SEO friendly, so static, and has a sitemap that is generated based on the results of this API. Think about what kind of pages you can make, how we can make as many pages as possible, making sure to have index pages, pillar pages, like chinese recipes for example. And also everything should be in all, and then also all index pages should be in the header and footer. And then use this API to build it. We are just a developer store use case, so we don't need the premium API. So I'm just going to give it that. And then I'm also just going to quickly grab this as well. I'll just send this as well. And then we'll hit enter here and then we'll do the same thing with bolt. So just remember just how quick we're doing things here. And instead of the previous methods where we're generating individual pages, generating an entire website based on templates and based on inputs. Okay, that's the difference here. So we're going to get the API response and we're going to generate the pages based on the API response. Now another layer of this would be to add claude to add text where relevant for specific content, right? Like oh, I made this chicken sauce. It was really, really nice or whatever it might be. Okay, so this preview is loading here on v zero. We've got a couple of problems here, so I'm just going to give this problem here. Please also implement everything with no placeholder information. Okay, so a lot of this stuff is going to be quite hard to show as far as I know, in a dev situation. But we will try our best to actually show what we're doing here. Like I said, this is, you know, well, I didn't say this, but this is experimental. Okay. I'm not necessarily the best person to show you this. Sorry, I got distracted by how cool that was. I'm not necessarily the best person to show you how to do these things. I'm just kind of playing with these concepts at the moment and learning about these concepts now that was pretty interesting. If I refresh this, it seems to be every time it's a different recipe, which is really cool. Now, the recipe pages themselves don't work. Let's see if the category pages work. They do. Okay, so you can kind of see what I'm doing here, right? It's not quite there yet. There are a few things that we have to figure out here. But if I go on categories, we have all of these categories for our website and then we click breakfast. And these are all actual breakfast recipes with images as well, which is really, really cool. Like I said, I basically just generated a website with however many pages. You know, it's, look at that. How cool is that? I can just keep pressing this. Now this is dynamically generated. So as far as I know, this is really, really bad for SEO. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to say please make it static and make sure all recipe pages actually work and are actually generated. So I can see how this works. So v zero is struggling along. It's not really doing anything to be honest with you. We'll just press fix with v zero here. Seems like bolt new is significantly better at doing this stuff though. But yeah, like I said, this is really, really cool. And you can see how quickly you can make an entire website with thousands of pages. Now like I said, this is one example, but other examples that you could do. I mean, for example, you could make a coin based thing that tracks cryptocurrencies, all these different things when something new comes out. As long as there's an API that you can connect to, then try and think of a way that you can generate a website just like this that basically collates information. That's all it's doing. So look, you can see it's just making all of these pages. I'm not doing anything. We're just generating SEO right now. Literally. This is fucking insane. Look how many pages it's making. It got stuck, our socket hung up. That's fine, that can happen. So let's limit the amount of recipes to 50. So the reason we have to do that is because we're in a dev environment and we're not paying for the API and also we're on alt new. But you could see what it was doing right there. It was creating all those recipes. So you can easily take that. And if you watch yesterday's video, then you'll know how to take a project like this and take it into something like Ada and start to really create something permanent and impressive that will actually rank on Google. So one thing that's really, really cool is what it was actually doing there was, it was creating a sitemap. So you can see sources pages, source pages, recipe iD, Astro. It's actually making pages inside a sitemap. What does that mean? It means that everything I've asked it to do is actually going to rank it on Google. So you could easily take this concept and you could easily put it on a live website. Again, I've shown this loads of times recently, so I'm not going to go into that in this video. I'm not going to buy another domain. I think Rowan would kill me if I bought another domain. I've already bought enough domains recently. So now if I do NPm run, NPm rundev, if I'm not mistaken. Unless that was NPm rundev before. But let's see here. That should have been NPM run build. So now what's that? NPM run build. Yeah, that was run build. So now run Dev. It's now built. The pages exist already. Okay, so we should see them here. And remember, this is what, ten minutes? And we've already got however many pages. So if I click view here. Okay, so the reason that's 404, I think, is that it's. So I think I need to go on categories here and click on like beef, for example, and then click on one of these. This should work. Yeah. Okay, so this is a whole page in itself. Okay. How cool is that? I don't know what this is at the bottom, but that's fine. YouTube refused to connect, so it's trying to embed a YouTube video as well, which is super, super interesting. I mean, I find this fascinating personally, because there aren't actually that many pages here. Okay. If I go on pages, you'll see there's only 12345 potential pages. The reason for that is because the pages are generated at the point of you pressing or running NPM run build. Okay, so let me just show you what that means. Let me just extract all. I'm just going to quickly put this local. Although I said that this wasn't going to be for non programmers or for programmers. I do just really quickly want to show this because I'm so into this stuff right now. It's crazy. So open this here and then terminal, new terminal NPm run build. What this is going to do is. Oh, sorry. NPM install astro. What this is going to do is it's going to build the website in front of us just like it did before. So NPM run, build. It will then build the website same as before. And look how lightweight it is as well. NPM, run dev, open this up and then categories. There we go. This is what I wanted to show. You can see each of these is a different separate page, but it's not dynamically generated, it's static. These are static pages. Static pages are essential for SEO because obviously Google needs to be able to read this. Okay. Now one thing I would change about this is I would add a Claude call to kind of create something that was a little bit more cool or a little bit not cool. Cool is the wrong word. A little bit more refined maybe, because at the moment it's a little bit weird with how this is formatted, et cetera, et cetera. But I've just shown you in how long we've been recording, 13 minutes. I have built a website that would be capable of having 10,000, 20,000. There's no real limit here. Now, just before we leave, I just want to see one thing. Is it possible for me to change that was in API JS. Where is that? Utils API jS sourceutilsapi. So if I do 50 here. Yeah. So if I do this to 1000 now, I just want to know if locally this makes a difference or whether it was just because the API has a limit. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. So the issue is, it's not the fact that it was on bolt, the issue is actually the API because obviously it's a free API. So me doing a thousand pages is, is obviously going to cost them money. So 429 code is too many requests. Yeah, exactly. So what you could do, I'm not going to go into this, in this video because this is just an example, but you could put some kind of rate limiter to do 50 calls every minute. You could go to bed or just leave it for 20 minutes, come back and you would have a thousand pages that could rank on Google. All of them completely unique pages, all of them with, with images and, you know, everything. Honestly, guys, if this is not one of the most impressive things that you've ever seen on YouTube, then just dislike this video, please, so that I know, honestly, this is so insane. And if I go on this as well, if I'm not mistaken, I might be mistaken here. Yeah. The reason this is 404 ing, I'll show you why this is 404 in. Just before we go, is if I do sitemap, you can see that this is set to your domain. So I'd have to do and I have to change it to localhost. How do you. Yeah, it doesn't work, but you could fix the sitemap fairly easily. Guys, I'm going to leave it there. Thank you so much for watching. I'm really, really enjoying these videos, as you can probably tell. I love the fact that you can just kind of build something block by block with AI and it's actually good and reliable and will rank on Google, whereas before it was always just a bit like how can you have a website generator? Because that doesn't really make any sense, but it makes a lot more sense when it's an application builder and all websites are kind of very similar to applications. Thanks for watching guys. If you're watching all the way to the end, you're an absolute legend and I'll see you very, very soon with some more content. Peace out. Watch this video if you want to know how you can use Ada and bolt to make a website for.