How I Removed a Google Manual Action Penalty ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

lrhWFGYPEgM — Published on YouTube channel Julian Goldie SEO on October 10, 2024, 1:48 PM

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- Speaker A tells the audience how he got a manual action penalty removed from his website because some of the content wasn't quality controlled. The traffic has never recovered since that manuaction penalty was removed and he wouldn't expect the traffic or the rankings to come back anytime soon. - Speaker A explains that disavowing backlinks doesn't have an impact because Google tends to ignore the spammy links. But his clients have seen a massive lift in traffic after they disavowed some of the dodgy links. - Speaker A tells the audience that the website was deindexed and then re indexed but didn't get the traffic back. The website will get the manual action reconsideration request approved again and they will submit some reconsideration requests for other websites that got clapped.

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How I Removed a Google Manual Action Penalty ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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How I Removed Google's Manual Action Penalty on My Website

In this video, I share my journey of removing a manual action penalty from my website After being de-indexed by Google due to low-quality content from public case studies, I took significant steps like deleting 80-90% of content, disavowing spammy backlinks, and strategically submitting reconsideration requests. This video details the timeline from receiving the penalty in March to getting it removed in October. Learn from my experience, see what actions were effective, and find out if traffic recovery is possible post-penalty. Get insights on SEO strategies and tips for dealing with similar issues in this detailed breakdown.

00:00 Introduction to Manual Action Penalty
00:05 Receiving the Penalty
00:43 Reconsideration Request Process
01:38 Steps Taken to Fix the Issue
03:33 Disavowing Toxic Backlinks
08:03 Final Thoughts and Next Steps
08:38 Conclusion and Free Resources


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Today I want to run you through how I got a manual action penalty removed from my website. So basically back in March I did a live stream where I basically got deindexed by Google for showing loads of public case studies, right? And some of the stuff we were showing, it wasn't very well quality controlled. We always said it was an experiment from day one and these sites would get manually deindexed. And guess what? It took longer than expected, but actually happened in the end. So we received a bunch of penalties like this across all of our case study websites and any sort of sites that we had in the background. Totally fine. But the good news is, as you can see today for Julian, the manual action penalty has been removed. Happy days. Look at that. No issues detected. Now as she received a notification that my reconsideration request was approved for Julian you could check it out right there. That's on October 9. Now if you're wondering, how long did that take? March was a long time ago. You can actually see down here that we actually submitted two reconsideration requests on March 12. I think the first one I just totally messed up and then I thought, right, I'll add some more detail on the second one, et cetera. So that's March 12. And that reconsideration request was the only one I submitted ever since. So you can see all of the notifications all the way up to October 9 when we received the manual action removed. Right. We actually had an approved reconsideration request on October 9. So happy days. And you can see here, if we click on manual actions viewer, we got it removed. Now in terms of what we actually did to get this. Now if you're wondering, okay, what did we do and how did we fix this, etcetera? Let me talk you through it. So the first thing we did actually was because we were creating a lot of one click spammy content without any sort of like quality control along the way. What I actually did was delete most of the content on this website. I would say about 80 or 90% of the content that we created. Now this website actually started to do really well in terms of clicks. Like we think we grew it to. Let's have a look, 403 clicks a day just before the penalty. It hit that peak and then it just boomed down because of the AI, because we were showing some naughty stuff on YouTube, as you can imagine. Right. And because I think that was one of the biggest reasons for this. I actually took down most of the content as you can see. So anything I wrote, post chat, GPT's release, I deleted and removed from the website, as you can see. So there's only five pages of blogs before there was a lot more than that. And so basically, if you're wondering, okay, how do you get your website back? How do you fix this? If you've got a manual action penalty, it's going to take a long time. And number two, you might not get your traffic back even when you get the manuaction penalty removed. I'll talk about that in a second. But as you can see right here, the traffic has never really recovered since that manuation penalty, even though we got the manuaction penalty removed. And you can see the data only goes to Tuesday, October 8. But I wouldn't expect the traffic or the rankings to come back anytime soon. In fact, what we actually did straight after that update, if we search, for example, Julian Goldie, is we launched a whole new website. As you can see right here, Julian Goldidoc, and the old one is nowhere to be seen. But thankfully they didn't take away the offer panel, so that was pretty cool. Still got the Facebook, YouTube, Instagram links, et cetera. What's interesting as well is if you Google Julian Goldie, you can clearly see that the first result here is Juliangoldy dot co dot UK, but it's not actually inside the offer panel. Now the other thing that we did was we disavowed a few of the spammy links that we had to our profile. And this is an interesting one. One thing that I've seen over the last year or so is previous to this, I would have agreed with a lot of the SEOs out there who said if you disavow backlinks, et cetera, then it doesn't really have an impact because Google tends to ignore the spammy links. I wouldn't agree with that anymore. What I've actually seen and what a few of our clients have seen because we've found like toxic backlinks in their profile and then disavowed them for them. And that actually works really well. That's working better than ever. And so I would say if you're worried about toxic links, I've seen this for the manuaction penalty on this website, but I've also seen it on a few of our clients who got a big lift in traffic after they disavowed some of the dodgy links other suppliers had built for them in the past. And so if you're wondering should I disavow links or not, I'm not going to tell you to do it, but I would say that I've seen it have a massive impact over the last sort of twelve months. What I'll do is I'll put this into a document just so that you can understand the steps, right. And the timeline. So 7 March, as you can see right here, that's when the penalties were released. Bear in mind, the other thing that you have to know here is if you've got two sites that receive a manual action penalty on the same day, so you have ownership access of inside Google search console, tend to get a manual action penalty as well. So it's not just going to impact one or two sites if you get a manual action penalty across two or more sites, right? That's what I've seen. That's what I've heard others have the same experience of as well. And so 9 March receives the penalty. 12 March submitted to manual action reconsideration requests. And if you're wondering like, oh, how do you submit them? What should you say, etcetera. Like ours were really sure there were about 100 words or so. Super polite, plus apologetic about the whole situation, talked about the changes that we made and that was really short and straight to the point, right. There was nothing really magical about the response that we sent. Now, in terms of, I think for anyone watching this, like, it's one of those situations where nobody talks about it publicly and no one tells you with proof, like how exactly this works. I think Jackie Chow might have done that, but there's not many of us out there. So that's why I'm creating this video for you, because it's a very interesting case study that you just don't see anywhere else. Like where are you going to find this stuff? No one's going to talk openly, no one else is really going to talk about this. Right? And message short, super apologetic, talked about the changes we made, straight to the point. And then in terms of the actual actions we took on the website, disavowed a ton of toxic backlink. And when I say toxic, I don't mean like Semrush's toxicity measure and all that sort of thing. It was like actual irrelevant, spammy links that just come to our backlink profile naturally. Like everyone has them in the backlink profile and we all think, oh yeah, Google wouldn't ignore them. But actually I don't think that was the case in this situation. And then number two took down all of the AI content that we didn't post chat, GPT and that was pretty much it. Like literally those two things you can do in the morning. And if you receive a manual action penalty, you now know what to do or what worked for us. At least I'm not telling you this is a perfect way to do it. I'm not gonna start offering like a manual action penalty recovery service or anything crazy like that, but I just wanna show you and document all the boring stuff that we did to get this back, right? And then literally we just shut up and wait. Took us about seven months to get the website back. So it was October 9, 2024 that we got it back and it was the 9 March 2024 that we received the manufacturing penalty. And that was pretty much it. In fact, I was never expecting to get this website back. I thought, oh yeah, it's on the vip list. Like, we took it too far and I probably shouldn't. And that's why we really only talk about the crazy stuff inside the SEO elite circle. Additionally, one thing I wanted to mention here, which is very interesting, is that the website actually got totally deindexed when we first received this manual action penalty. Now here's where it gets interesting, because I was actually doing a live stream with Kazur Dash. Shout out to the legend himself. I was actually doing a live stream with Kazur Dash when I found out the website was deindexed and then re indexed whilst I was on that live stream. So documenting the whole journey, which was super interesting as well cause it was like, oh yeah, we got Deindex, then we got re indexed, but we didn't get our traffic back. So even though the website got back in Google's index, it would only get four clicks a day, sometimes one click a day, et cetera. You're not gonna build an empire with those sort of numbers, mate. If I tell you the truth, right, and what I'm interested to see next, and I'll keep you posted on this if we have any cool updates on it, is whether this website actually starts recovering in rankings as well. Because as I've mentioned before, the data only goes up to Tuesday, October 8, which is pre getting the manual action reconsideration request approved again. So it's gonna be very interesting to see. Do we get our SEO traffic back? What's gonna happen next? Is he gonna get clapped again? I don't know. Probably some of our case studies will. Either way, we keep making them to have a little bit of fun. So I hope that video is interesting for you. I've broken down the whole thing step by step if you wanna see the full notes from the video today, I'll plug that in my free SEO course link's in the comments and description. This will be called manual action penalty removal. And if you wanna get access to the video notes, it's right inside there. So just log into the free SEO course, go to updates, and then manual action penalty removal. What I also do is if you sign up for that, I'll include inside the video notes some screenshots of the manual action reconsideration requests we sent, along with the penalty notices we received, just so you can see. Okay, what does it look like? Et cetera? What did we send? Yeah, super interesting stuff. By the way, this free course, it just comes with a redunculus amount of free SEO training, as you can see right here on pretty much everything you can ever imagine when it comes to SEO. Additionally, what we're gonna do next as well is just submit some more reconsideration requests for our other websites that got clapped cause it'd be very interesting to see if we can get them back as well. I'm interested to see what happens next and if you wanna get more leads, traffic or sales of SEO, feel free to book. In a free SEO strategy session, we'll show you how we take websites from zero to 145,000 visitors month, generate thousands of dollars in sales and autopilot, and this free link building acceleration session will give you a free SEO domination plan. You'll discover the secrets of link building, we'll answer any questions that you have. You'll learn the best link building strategies for your website, plus how to outrank your competitors with link building and how to ten x your SEO traffic based on what's working for us. Feel free to book then. Appreciate you watching. Bye.