I'm 57. If you're in your 40s, watch this.
PLsXBQtwn5U — Published on YouTube channel Ken Honda on November 6, 2024, 7:24 PM
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- Speaker A advises people in their 40s to face their future regrets, start climbing the mountains, practice gratitude, and treasure the relationships while they still can.
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I'm 57. Here is my honest advice for people in their 40s. In your 40s, there is so much going on with your work, with your kids, and with your parents who are getting old. We can get overwhelmed and lose sight of what truly matters. So I want you to face your future regrets. Just imagine you'll be in your 50s or 60s or 70s even, and then regret what you should have done in your 40s, for example, in 70s, it would be harder to climb up mountains. And if you feel like that would be your future regrets, you should start climbing the mountains. So just write the list of things that you would really, really regret most. And there are two kinds of activities that you may have in your mind. It's one time only thing or continuous things. For example, climbing up one mountain, you do it once and then you're okay. But there's also something like learning how to play a music instrument. You need to learn regularly. If painting is your thing, you may do it for a few weeks and then you will probably stop doing it. Because you know life is filled with so many other things, it's okay. But if your passion for painting comes back, that's the thing you should do. But if you can forget with your busyness about painting, painting is not really your thing. So you can erase painting from your list as well. So whatever keeps calling you, whatever keeps haunting you, is something you should do. I know you have so many good excuses that you don't have the time, you don't have the energy. It's not the right time. That's what you probably say in your 50s, in your 60s and your 70s. So find a time, create your time. Because it's your life. The company you're working for doesn't have the right to occupy your life. So don't make excuses that you're busy with your work. I know you're busy, but I know you can have five minutes of your creative time. The second point I want to make is treasure your relationships while you still can. I remember many years ago, we planned a family trip. So we can just feel that this is our family. That was actually the first time and the last time that we were together as a family. I still remember that was the best trip. So please, if your parents are still alive, you should do something so all the family members can remember for many years. I'm talking about kids as well. They may be small now, or they may be in grade school or in junior high, but they would eventually leave your life. 10 years and 20 years from now. Do you think you wish you spent more time just doing more sales for your company, or you wish like I spent more time with your kids. You cannot buy back the memories when you hit your 50s and 60s. The time that you are with your family is very limited. So take advantage of it while you can. And the third point I want to share is count your blessings. I know this is hard for your 40s because your parents need to be in the hospital and you have to be there on the same day that you have to present the biggest presentation in your company. Sometimes you feel like you're getting punished because of this heavy schedule. But think about it. If you need to be at the hospital, that means that your family member is still alive. Both my father and mother are gone. You're complaining about the job situation, but think about it. I can be happy. I just get paid every month. So if you can start appreciating what you have, you can feel that you are very happy. And also gratitude is what brings your next happiness. That means if you are open to what you can appreciate about in your life next time, it's 10 times easier to feel happy and also fulfilled. So practice gratitude. You'll be able to see more happiness, more peace, and more generosity in everyday life. If you're ready to unlock greater wealth in all areas of your life, join my virtual event. If you want more advice for this stage of life, check out this video.