2025 Backlink Strategy - Crazy Results!!!

tojTD5Vu9ng — Published on YouTube channel Osborne Digital Marketing on October 28, 2024, 1:15 PM

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- Ronald Osborne from Osborne Digital Marketing is giving a presentation on how to get his website to rank for crazy competitive keywords like he does. He explains how to build 158 backlinks to the same URL as his competitors. - Speaker A tells people they need to get these style links because they're different. Speaker A is to get Google to trust them. Speaker B is to offer these style of links with Haro and digital pr. - Speaker A tells AB it's very important to utilize Tier 2 assets for Tier 2 backlink building and reminds AB not to underestimate Tier Twos for the new backlinking building strategy. - In Rank Lightning, we're building out an anchor text analysis tool to tell people what type of anchor text they should be Using. It's important to make sure the anchor text is closely related to the business or the exact keyword.

Video Description

In 2025 Backlink Strategy, I show you exactly what is working as a backlink building strategy in todays SEO world.

There have been several updates to Google's algorithm impacting the way SEOs build backlinks. If you follow my 2025 backlink building strategy, I will show you exactly what to look at. I show real life examples of my backlink strategy in action and the crazy results I have been able to achieve. I show you the way I use HARO and digital PR to maximize SEO

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0:01 Intro To 2025 Backlink Strategy
0:21 What I Am Doing To Achieve Results
0:41 Review The SERP Competitors Referring Domains
4:31 Build Powerful Links With HARO And Digital PR
07:43 Tier Two Backlinking
08:38 Use The Different Anchor Text

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2025 backlinking strategy. I'm going to show you exactly how I get crazy results like this one to the next of me from my website. Of course, it's what I do. I'm going to give you the strategy on everything I'm doing to get your website looking like this so you can rank for crazy competitive keywords like I do. Let me show you exactly what you need to do. Now, for those of you that don't know who I am, Ronald Osborne from Osborne Digital Marketing, the founder. And I'm going to show you exactly how you can achieve this with my strategy today on what I'm doing. And you'll need this going forward because if you don't do this, you're going to keep losing to guys like me. It's just that simple. So let me show you exactly what you need to do. The first thing you have to do is you have to look at the referring domain count. Now this is a massive, massive thing that I love doing because I like getting the referring domain count to the same as my competitors. So as you can see, I've jumped over to Rank Lightning. Rank Lightning is my tool, guys. Go over and check it out if you're interested because I made it to make your life easy and I want to have a look at. I've thrown in, done the competitor analysis, not the video for it, but I'll show you what I'm looking at. I want to make sure whatever URL I'm trying to rank for a keyword, which in this example is Roofing Miami, right? This is step one. The first thing that you're going to need to do is you'd want to make sure that you've got the same amount of referring domains to that URL. That's the first thing I'm looking at. Now why am I looking at that? The reason I'm looking at it is because I need to know if I bring that number up the same. I've done all the same things. Now, the way I look at rank, backlinks and how Google would consider it, I try to look at it logically. Google is going to have a hard time keeping all of this extra data on websites and classifications of websites. Yes, they have it, but they're going to have a harder time to keep it a huge amount of data. But what I do think is important is the number of referrals. So if there's 1,000 people out there saying how good a company is, you believe that a little bit more, don't you? On a Review sort of setting like a Google business profile than a system that has 200. If a business has 200 reviews compared to a company that has 1,000 mentions of, they're awesome. You start to sit there and just psychologically go, well, they're the same. They do the same services. They do. Oh yeah, but they've got 800 more. Where are you going? I think Google thinks the same way. So in rank Lightning you can literally come down here, guys, like I'm showing right now, I want to see that this referring domain count right here. This one right here. Okay, I know immediately I've got to build 158 backlinks. That's how I look at it. Now I also have a look and again this is why I added it into, into the tool because I wanted to say the domain level. Alright, Because I do think, I know Google ranks pages, but I do think Google's moving more and more away from that model. Especially as roofers have a look up any roofing and what are you going to start noticing? Homepages a lot of the time. So Google start like have a look guys. So see the little icon here? Look at that. These guys ranking in number two, homepage. These guys ranking number three homepage. So immediately I can ascertain two out of the three, the homepages. That's who I'm competing against best roofing. They've been around in Miami for years and years and years and they're enormous. They're spending like $30,000 a month on SEO. How are you gonna beat them with 1500 bucks? These are the things that you've got to consider. So I want to have a look at the domain level as well. This is the median. I like getting in the median amount. If I'm sitting there being like, okay, median amount, sort of saying, we've got to be around here, we've got to be around here. Because if we scroll down, we have a look at how powerful they are on the homepage compared to the other two. That's how they're able to snaffle top spot. It's that simple. So I can sit here and be like, right, I've got to build. If I want to rank my page, I've got to build at least 158 referring domains to that page. That's where I would start. If I'm not seeing the needle move, I know that I've got to come down to the domain level analysis and then do exactly the same thing. I'd actually need to build an additional an additional 130ish. So these are the things you've got to be considering in 2025. This is how it's going. This is what I'm doing again. This is how I'm getting these results. These results are being achieved by this. This is step one. Do this first and holos, it's. You're on the right step now. Step number two requires you to build power from credible T1 assets in Google's eyes. I stress that Google's eyes. What does Google deem as a Tier one? If you think about it logically, think of any powerful asset that you could rattle off a name to and someone would know who it is. So as an example, if I was to sit here and say if I was to sit here and say, oh, mail you're going to sit there and be like, yeah, I know those guys. I know them. In Google's eyes, they consider them T1 assets because a lot of the time, if you can get a reference from them, they're deemed as credible, they're deemed as a T1 asset in Google's eyes, as a credible asset, credible website. Then what's going to happen if you get a link from them to your asset, your website? Google's like, well, this guy that's T1 that we trust is talking about him. No worries, Ronnie, we believe in you and your website, mate. This is a huge thing that a lot of people are missing out on. So let me give you a couple of examples of power from T1 assets. So if I come over to yeah, that's right, now go control F and I look for lovely old Ronald Osborne. Oh, there's a link. So if I click on that, where are we going? Where are we going? We're going over to my website. If we come over to the same thing. Australian entrepreneur Ronald Osborne. There's another link across for me. Let's go across to Fiverr. You know, everyone knows Fiverr. This is not a Fiverr sneaky. This is on the actual Fiverr website, guys. As you can see by the URL, you can go check it out yourself. Ronald Osborne. Boom. There's another link for me. All right, let's have a look. Another look at another credible asset, Daily Star. Oh, there'll be another link in here for Ronald Osborne. So again, if I go Control F Ronald Osborne, here we go. Boom. All right, you need to get these style links. Why do you need to get these style links because you're different. How do you compete against me if I have all of these Tier one assets? And these are just some of them. You want the Forbes, you want to have. I have so many of these, it's not funny. The thing is, if you want to compete against someone like me, you have to have this, because I have it. So Google sitting there going, damn, Ronnie's got all of these assets that are pointing across to him saying, this dude is a credible dude. All right? This guy's credible. He. He's doing all of this. He is able to achieve all of this. Well, okay, we trust him. You need to get Google to trust you. And the way you do that is with these style of links. Okay? So, guys, straight up, we offer these style of links with Haro and digital pr. I can get you in these assets if you want to be featured. If you want these links, reach out. I've got the link down below. Book a chat with me. More than happy to walk you through it because the pricing does vary on this style stuff. But if you also want your stock standard, Haro, where we can get you into this, the entrepreneur, the fiverr, all of these Haro. So book on the link down below, have a chat with. Now, another thing that you want to make sure you're doing is hitting these with T2s, okay? It's very important that you utilize Tier 2 assets. Now, I've talked in a different video about Tier 2 backlink building. I'll link that up. AB but the thing is, Tier 2 backlink building is something just beautiful. Don't underestimate it. So if you get some nice, juicy links, send some T2 assets over to it, get the power of these bad boys up, even though it's on an amazing website, even know that it's on there, I still want you to really, really push it. I would still want you to be like, okay, well, yeah, they're powerful. Yeah. Forget how many millions of people, it's like 60 million or whatever come to this every single month. But the thing is, I still want to give this unique page a bit of power, so you can still hit things with Tier Twos. All right? Please don't underestimate Tier Twos for your new backlinking building strategy. Now, a big thing that most people don't tell you is the anchor text. All right? That's why in Rank Lightning, we're building out an anchor text analysis tool to tell you what type of anchor text you should be Using, there's no tools out there doing that now. We're building it. The thing is, I want to make sure when I'm on these credible assets guys that I'm getting the anchor text that is closely related to my business or my exact keyword. He might be sitting there going, ronald, why on earth would you want an exact match keyword anchor text pointing across to your website? Because it's from the tier one asset. So remember, in Google's eyes, Google sitting there going, okay, Ronnie, you're on mirror. All right, I trust mirror. I trust mirror. Now, if this is the anchor text that sent over Ronald Osborne, that has a lot more weight than the stock standard variation of an anchor as an example. So that's what you've got to be considering. You have to look at things in this mindset. If you can try and get a desired keyword or anything like that, put in the anchor text from these more powerful things, do that. That's the best approach. But then when it comes to your cheaper 30, 50, 60, $250 links, don't. I wouldn't be going aggressive on those anchor texts. I'd be trying to keep it away from your desired keyword. So again, if it's Roofing Miami on these bad boys, I guarantee I'm trying to get Roofing Miami as my anchor text. However, if this was just an average doctor five, let's say with traffic of 200amonth, I am not using the anchor text Roofing Miami. I'm using the brand. I'm using a naked URL. I'm using that type of setup compared to anything else. So it's very important that you follow that. Now, if you want to get these style links, if you want to get power for your business, for your websites, for your clients, reach out to me. We'll do a great rate. I offer HARO services, but we also offer the link inserts with these credible things. Now, obviously, prices vary, so the cost for to get you into that is very different for what it is for USA Today. Plus, if you want a whole featured page on USA Today, we can get you that. But again, it's different to the cost of getting an insert. So there's going to be a link down below. Book a chat with me or reach out to Osborne Digital Marketing on the website, on the contact form, wherever, reach out, say you're interested, we'll follow up with you. Also, don't forget to jump over, guys and check out all of my free checklists. I go and grab all of these free SEO checklists, the backlink monitors in there, the SEO ROI calculator, the forecasting sheet, the local topical map that will make you dominate. This is working so, so well for me. This pad with the palette. Guys, you're going to dominate Anchor text analysis. I mentioned that. How important is sitemap extractor? Jump over to the link down below. I'll put this. This is the link for all of my cheat sheets. They're free. Guys, jump over, get this stuff. You want to have some Harrow links, You want to have some awesome digital PR links? Reach out to me. We'll do a great price. And guys, go out there and smash 2025 with this excellent backlink building strategy that is going to dominate for.